Thursday, August 13, 2009

Effects of Globle Warming

To inform and educate the public concerning the health, economic, and aesthetic effects of air pollution and the technological and legal tools available for its control; to promote understanding of the role of government (national, state, and local) in the control of air pollution; and to stimulate voluntary and official efforts to clean the air." (Bylaws, 1967)

Over the last few years, the Council has implemented an aggressive program on Clean Air Act implementation consisting of government oversight, constituency building, and media outreach, to ensure that Pennsylvania is fully meeting its obligations under the Clean Air Act. Additionally, the Council, a strong advocate of strengthening the federal health standards for ground level ozone and fine particulate matter, is working with various stakeholders to seek innovative, cost-effective, and environmentally sound programs to address issues such as air pollution transport.

cortez Hayward.