Friday, July 31, 2009

Sports Tournament What Really Happened?

Yesterday, we went to play sports at the Temple REC center. However, when we got there we were unable to go in and play. While all of the students were sitting around and waiting to enter there was a big misunderstanding between our supervisors, and the person who allows people in.

Even though everyone was upset and we tried to work out something we had to leave the building. Others thought of playing outside which would have been a good idea, however, it was too hot. with concern of someone passing out from the heat.

There are many reasons as to why we chose to write this blog. Some of the students had to go out and spend there money in order to be in uniform which resulted in a waist of money unless they play elsewhere. Some stayed , and it wasted their time when they could have been somewhere else. Others are really dedicated to sports. They put their all into it and were hoping and wishing to play. This was not a good ending for anyone.

In conclusion, when you are looking forward to something, obtain all of the information you can about what you want. There is always a chance that something will go wrong with your plans.